Senior Legal Services Santa Cruz Ca

Senior Citizens Legal Services (SCLS) provides free legal advice to elderly residents of Santa Cruz and San Benito counties. The organization`s top priority is to defend the right of older persons to quality health care, social integration, protection of their person and property, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of age or disability. Senior Citizens` Legal Services (SCLS) provides free legal services to advocate for older adults` rights to quality housing, government services, and protection from exploitation and discrimination. SCLS opened its first office in 1972 because seniors could not receive legal aid services tailored to their unique problems. Older community activists believed that older adults needed and deserved a program tailored to their specific needs. The firm quickly became a model project for the creation of hundreds of similar law firms for seniors across the country. For 30 years, SCLS has been working to develop expertise on legal issues related to aging. Senior Citizens Legal Services (SCLS) provides free legal advice to elderly residents of Santa Cruz and San Benito counties. The organization`s top priority is to defend the right of older persons to quality health care, social integration, protection of their person and property, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of age or disability. Customer EligibilityWHO DO WE SERVE? Residents of Santa Cruz or San Benito counties can receive SCLS services. Services are available to individuals who are at least 60 years of age.

While eligibility is not dependent on the client`s income and assets, SCLS seeks to target its limited resources to seniors with the greatest social and economic needs. HOW IS A CASE HANDLED? Seniors call the main office (831) 426-8824 to make an appointment. Initial interviews are conducted by trained paralegals. Every week, paralegals and lawyers meet to discuss new cases. Most of the work is done by the paralegal under the ongoing direction of a lawyer. Contentious cases are handled by a attorney.IS IS THERE A FEE FOR SERVICES? There are no fees for legal services used at SCLS, with the exception of fees ordered by the court or administratively approved under the PAPI. However, donations are accepted from clients and other supporters who wish to contribute. Such contributions are critical to SCLS` ability to provide legal assistance to the older age community. Donations are generally tax deductible. Yelp users didn`t ask any questions about senior legal services. Public Interest Law Firm (408) 293-4790152 N.

3rd Street, 3rd FloorSan Jose, CA 95113Elder, Civil Rights, Consumers and Healthcare.

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