Fictitious Example Definition

As I mentioned the fictional doctor in “Peregrine Pickle,” let the same side show the truth. “Eventually, he appointed me to the fictitious position of `legal counsel,`” Levin said. But all these fictitious bones have real consequences, of the Teen Mom variety. This last deceptive stage of his insidious illness had given him fictitious strength. It may seem obvious to say that novels are “fictional,” but some are almost entirely made up of facts. Even in the Showtime Weeds series, a fictional tobacco company saw pot as its future growth industry. It is impossible for two characters to be more different than the real and fictional Falstaff. Fictional, fabulous, legendary, mythical, apocryphal means having the nature of something imagined or invented. Fictitious implies falsification and suggests more artificiality or invention than falsification or deliberate deception. Fictional characters fabulously emphasize the wonderfulness or incredible character of something, without necessarily implying impossibility or real non-existence. A Land of Fabulous Riches legendary proposes the elaboration of invented details and the distortion of historical facts produced by popular tradition. the legendary exploits of Davy Crockett mythically involve a purely imaginative explanation of facts or the creation of beings and events from imagination. The apocryphal mythical creature implies an unknown or dubious source or origin, or may imply that the thing itself is doubtful or inaccurate.

A book that repeats many apocryphal stories On the other hand, it is not obvious that one of the characters mentioned in the primary authorities is fictitious. Fictitious means invented or imaginary. No matter how real Scarlett O`Hara may appear in “Gone with the Wind,” she is a fictional character invented by author Margaret Mitchell. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms of fictional fiction are related to the Latin word ficticius, which means “artificial” or “false”. It was first used in English as an antonym for “natural”. For example, a fake diamond would be called a fictitious diamond. This usage indicates the deeper Latin roots of the word. Ficticius comes from the Latin fingere, which means “to form, shape or invent”. Today, “fictional” is no longer used for physical things shaped by human hands. On the contrary, it is usually used for imaginative creations or for feigned emotions. Durant was probably too respectable a name to be published, and therefore the fictitious name.

If you look at the word fictional, you`ll probably notice that it bears a striking resemblance to fiction – an imaginary story about people and events invented to entertain readers. Fictional can also be used to mean “trick or deception”. A thief takes a fictitious name to hide his true identity and avoid being captured. An imaginary and paired tale of a fictional Fidel Castro and an exile from Miami who wants to assassinate him.

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