Significance of Socio Legal Research

[4] Gert Helgesson and Stefan Erikson, `Plagiarism in Research` (ResearchGate) accessed 25 August 2018 Transnational corporations operating in the pharmaceutical sector often have a negative impact on individuals who depend on the medicines they produce. Artificially rising drug prices, as well as widespread corruption in the health sector due to a profit-driven culture, are impacting politics and health care. My research therefore examines the effectiveness of international accountability mechanisms for companies that violate the “right to health”. Bradshaw, A (1997) `Sense and Sensibility: Debates and Developments in Socio-legal Research Methods` in P A Thomas (ed.), Socio-Legal Studies (Aldershot: Dartmouth), pp. 99-122 This book provides detailed case studies of how sovereignty has been constructed, affirmed, and transformed in the twentieth century through the construction of scientific disciplines, knowledge practices, and research objects. This book challenges the relationship between the sovereign power of the nation-state and the expert knowledge of the scientist as a legitimizing – and sometimes difficult – force in today`s society, and offers an astonishing series of case studies in its examination of how different types of science have changed. Diskursus hukum dan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia masih sangat kental diwarnai oleh narasi dengan cara pandang legal-dogmatik. The conditions for job creation are an important step in the right direction in creating the conditions for job creation. In the absence of regulations that could address mass atrocities in the past, this article concludes that the process of making laws and regulations must first be positioned within the framework of knowledge building. In particular, the position of memory on the violence of the past within the framework of the structure of knowledge becomes a constitutive element in the formation of laws and regulations.

The relationship between law and memory can be found through three mechanisms: analog narration, historical consciousness, and memory carriers. Second, analytically, to help explain the process of the three mechanisms, this article proposes actor theory. Conflicts based on religion are a very sensitive issue in various countries around the world. Indonesia as a God-fearing state, as provided for in the state philosophy of the first commandments Pancasila has also produced special regulations to deal with the defamation issue of the PNPS Act No. 1 of 1965. With a historical approach, this legal research uses a kind of normative legal research. Rudolf Stamler`s theory, which became the knife of analysis in this study, showed that the blasphemy law was formed with a repressive model in which the state, with its power to enact laws and regulations, was applied both politically and legally. However, the existence of a repressive law is the most appropriate solution, given the historical record of the conflict in Indonesia, motivated by the question of religion.

Thus, according to the ideals of the law, the accuracy of the legislation at that time should be adapted to the conditions of the nation in order to create a law that is responsive. Social law studies are now sufficiently established internationally as a field of research to warrant a thoughtful examination of one of the key elements of such a study; the “socio” of “social law”. The importance and scope of social law studies means that this examination is important not only for those who identify as specialists in social law, but also for a growing number of students, researchers and policy makers in law and other fields informed by these studies. This focus on the social also reflects a widespread and growing feeling – not limited to social law studies – that the rapid changes of late modernity, such as consumerism, globalization or neoliberalism, bring new challenges. Moreover, the profound social changes resulting from the economic crisis in many advanced capitalist countries in the new millennium provide further justification for this investigation. This chapter presents a book designed to address these issues. The book brings together a large number of scholars whose work has been selected for their particular contribution to an aspect of the social – whether in cultural studies, social policy or law, for example.1 The specificity of their contributions provides another justification: that diverse, dynamic and controversial understandings of the social require constant attention when it comes to the legal. However, before presenting these contributions, this chapter takes stock of the main characteristics of the existing field. The chapter then concludes with an examination of possible avenues for future developments in the field of social law. Cotterrell, R (2002) “Subverting Orthodoxi, Making Law Central: A View of Sociolegal Studies” 29 (4) Journal of Law and Society 632-44 Raghav Kansal is a 2nd year student at the National University of Law, Odisha.

In addition to academics, he is also interested in writing/research and discussion. Raghav also plays center for the NLUO basketball team. This article serves to distinguish a deeper understanding between normative and empirical legal research. Case law is typically sui generis or “in itself”, it contains norms, and its scope, namely legal dogmatics, legal theory and philosophy of law, is used to resolve legal questions or problems. Otherwise, empirical science, armed with its methodology, particularly in connection with the sociology of law and research in social law, describes only legal phenomena. Therefore, this article primarily criticizes the failure of the sociology of law to resolve legal issues or problems for legal practice or jurisprudence. Keywords: legal research, jurisprudence. Some law schools in Indonesia reject social law studies with epistemological arguments that call for sui generis jurisprudence. The rejection is based on the argument that jurisprudence is a normative science. In fact, there have long been social law studies on the development of jurisprudence outside Indonesia that have contributed to legal reform. Social law studies are also important for legal reform. It is caused by the existence of a non-doctrinal aspect in the legislation and implementation of the law.

Therefore, the place and relevance of social law research are not linked to the existence or absence of a place for social law research in the structure of case-law, but to the existence or absence of envisaged advantages for the development of national law or case-law. This project will investigate how a corporate ecocide law can be implemented most effectively by mapping how national and international legal frameworks, enforcement practices and out-of-court processes represent environmental damage to businesses. This will identify legal and extra-legal mechanisms that can improve the accountability of the global corporate elite for their devastating environmental damage. Levine, F (1990) `Goose Bumps and `The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life` in Sociolegal Studies: After Twenty-five Years` 24(1) Law and Society Review 7–33 [1]Prof. Ranbir Singh et al., ` Research methodology ` (MHRD) Accessed 24. August 2018 The contact details of the representatives of the socio-legal studies courses of each institution are available here Working with migrant women who have “no recourse to public funds”, with a postcolonial feminist critique.

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