What Is the Definition of a User Session

A session manager automatically creates new session objects when a new session is started. In certain circumstances, customers do not participate in the session, such as when Session Manager uses cookies and the customer does not accept cookies. Each tracked event is stored in our database and then reconstructed in chronological order. The SessionStack JavaScript snippet records your users when they visit different pages, so you can read the entire session. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the session is new. This is a new session if the server created it and the client did not send a request to the server. This means that the client did not recognize or join the session and may not return the correct session credentials on the next request. Returns true if the session ID of the request provided by the client is a cookie; false otherwise. To view user session data, go to Session Segmentation from the Dynatrace menu. Analytics stores information about campaign sources. Each time the campaign value is updated, Analytics logs in again. In the example above, Bob first arrives at your website via the Google Organic Keyword Red widget and later returns via the paid Google Keyword Blue widgets.

With Google Ads autotagging, each click generates a unique campaign value (a gclid value). Because each click has its own gclid value, each click is treated as a separate campaign and creates a new session. Sun ONE Application Server supports the standard servlet session interface, HttpSession, for all session activities. This interface allows you to write portable and secure servlets. Social media apps can look at the number of sessions in a day to see if users are making the tool an integral part of their daily lives. Understanding when the longest sessions take place throughout the day can also be helpful in encouraging engagement and retargeting. getSession() returns the valid session object associated with the request and identified in the session cookie encapsulated in the request object. If you call the method without arguments, a session is created that is associated with the request if it does not already exist. Additionally, calling the method with a Boolean argument creates a session only if the argument is true. In addition, you can specify that a session cookie is transmitted only over a secure connection (i.e. HTTPS), so that the session can only remain active over a secure channel. In this scenario, the first session, which opened when Bob arrived at the site, ends 30 minutes after his lunch break.

When he returns from lunch and continues browsing the site, Analytics sets a new 30-minute schedule and a new session begins. If the user interacts with the page using any of the above user action events, SessionStack must classify that part of the session as active. Session analysis is easily accessible from the Adjust dashboard. Once the Adjust SDK is integrated into an application, companies can analyze sessions and use them to better understand user behavior. To help you understand what your users did to encounter a problem, SessionStack collects the following information, which is played back as a video: When a user, such as Bob, arrives at your website, Analytics starts counting from that point on. If 30 minutes pass without any interaction from Bob, the session ends. Each time Bob interacts with an item (such as an event, social interaction, or new page), Analytics resets the expiration by adding an additional 30 minutes from the time of that interaction. Binds the specified object with the specified name to the session.

Any existing link with the same name is replaced. For a session-related object to be distributed, it must implement the serializable interface. To use a session, first create a session using the HttpServletRequest getSession() method. Once the session is established, review and set its properties using the methods provided. Optionally, set the session to the timeout after it has been idle for a set period of time, or invalidate it manually. They can also bind objects to the session that they store for use by other components. String mySessionID = mySession.getId(); if ( mySession.isNew() ) { log.println(currentDate); log.println(“client has not yet joined session” + mySessionID); } A single user can log on multiple times. These sessions can take place on the same day or over several days, weeks or months. As soon as a session ends, there is an option to start a new session.

There are two ways to end a session: The value of the Sessions metric may be less than the value of New Users. This is because sessions are not incremented if a session consists only of events without interaction. In contrast, New Users is incremented each time a session occurs for a new user, even if the session consists only of non-interaction events. Directly interacting traffic with your content in the 30-minute session window has the same effect as leaving your site for less than 30 minutes. The existing session opens and resumes where it left off. Returns an array with the names of all attributes related to the session. This chapter explains how to create and manage a session in which users and transactional information can be retained between interactions. User session duration is the time between the first user action in a session and the end of the last user action in the session. Note that expiration times (periods that do not contain user activity) are not included in the measurement of user session duration. You can link objects to sessions to expose them across multiple user interactions. Typically, a user session appears in the Dynatrace web UI within 4 minutes. However, this can sometimes exceed 10.5 minutes.

The session API does not provide an explicit session logout API, so any logout implementation must call the session.invalidate() API. public void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { if ( HttpSession session = req.getSession(false) ) ) { // retrieved session, continue with servlet operations } else // no session, return error page } } Specifies the number of seconds between checks for expired sessions.

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