Rcm Business Email Address

Use “clean” email templates It`s important to make sure your email doesn`t contain unnecessary HTML. Use one of our standard templates, have your in-house team create a clean version, or use RCM`s custom design services. We hope you will benefit from these practices and incorporate them into your future email campaigns. Please contact us at (888)-440-RCM1 if you have any questions. Include text at the top Images belong in the email, but don`t force your customer to click “View Image” or scroll through the email. The first copy should be informative and interesting. Use short subject lines Subject lines determine whether your email is deleted, read, or saved for later. Your subject line rivals many other emails, tweets, and posts. So use 20 to 50 characters whenever possible. Send when recipients are available In most cases, the best time to send business emails is Tuesday through Thursday, either at the beginning of the business day or right after lunch. Email is an extremely powerful and effective marketing technique when done correctly. These best practices allow your business to create better emails and maximize RCM`s email marketing platform. Keep it short Good email marketing is concise and offers valuable content.

Don`t wait until the fifth paragraph to provide the link or call to action – you could lose your audience. Keep in mind that smartphone users may only see a few lines when reading emails on their mobile device. Make links and buttons obvious Don`t let people search your emails for links to the brochure or confidentiality agreement. Don`t use excessive punctuation You may be excited about a new case, but avoid !!! ??? and $$$ Don`t use uppercase letters unnecessarily Not only is this considered unprofessional and difficult to read, but spam filters can also send your message to the junk folder. Check for spelling mistakes Spammers often misspell words to pass filters.

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