Index Medico Legal

What is really important is that SAMLA is not a regulator and does not intend to be one one day. We do not see our role as inspectors at all. Registries are merely lists of individuals in the forensic field who voluntarily demonstrate that they have learned in this field, demonstrate their competence, are willing to demonstrate continuous learning in the forensic field by collecting specific points in forensic training each year, and are willing to commit to a code of conduct. To be included in the SAMLA Registry of Forensic Practitioners, credentials are submitted to the SAMLA Accreditation Committee, which is comprised of senior members of the legal and health professions who have extensive experience in forensic practice. If the applicant`s certificates meet the specified requirements, the applicant may register as a forensic pathologist. All SAMLA members registered in the Registry of Medical Examiners agree to abide by the SAMLA Code of Professional Conduct. The journal publishes a wide range of high-quality original articles, commentaries, case studies, letters, journals and obituaries covering current and relevant topics in medical law submitted worldwide. Once approved, the texts are first published online and later in the quarterly print edition. Members of the Society and journal subscribers can consult all these publications as well as 90 years of past publications. A forensic pathologist is an individual who works in the forensic field, is in good standing with their primary professional regulatory body and has volunteered for peer review and is committed to SAMLA`s unique Code of Conduct in Medical Legal Practice. For more details, you can read our MOI where these details are given.

A trusted provider of independent forensic reports Note that you can`t just register as a forensic doctor. You can register as a member, but to be a SAMLA Certified Forensic Pathologist, you must first apply for accreditation. Index Medicolegal is a trusted provider of independent medicolegal reports to defendants and plaintiffs in Australia, North America and the United Kingdom in the fields of pain medicine, psychiatry, anesthesia and rehabilitation. Reputable law firms, insurance companies and regulators trust us to provide expert advice when it counts. From the end of the last workshop in 2021, SAMLA`s national courses will be available for longer. The council decided that the basic course and workshops are unfortunately no longer viable. The core course was developed in 2017 and presented live in 2018 and then online. In the meantime, there have been huge changes in the science and law of forensic practice. SAMLA cannot continue to offer increasingly outdated conferences. An update and recreation of the core course is not possible at this time – although it should be noted that everything done by SAMLA is done by its board and committee members on a voluntary basis.

This is too expensive and too big a project for SAMLA as a small organization. The Medico-Legal Review has all its archives, which date back to 1933, and is available to members of the Society. A list of all articles from the beginning of the journal to volume 64 is available here: Index of articles. All SAMLA members registered with a professional regulatory body are invited to apply for inclusion in SAMLA`s Registry of Forensic Practitioners. All editions are available at the Royal Society of Medicine Library and most editions at the Inns of Court Library and the Law Society Library. Ms. Leigh de Souza-Spagnoletti has taken over the wheel of Dr. Hans Enslin to lead SAMLA`s SAMLA RAF GAUTENG Branch committee, which organizes monthly “fireside discussions” that include case discussions, roundtables and CPD accredited. Please visit the regional seminar page to book.

Instructions for submitting texts for publication in the Forensic Journal We often have limited space, so limit your articles to 2,500 words or less if possible. Currently, all submissions must be sent directly to the editorial team ([email protected]). However, we will move to web-based submissions in due course and provide more detailed guidance here. If you are considering submitting an article for publication, please read below: The proposed levels of registration as forensic practitioners have been circulated to all members for review, but have not yet been determined. We envision three levels – an entry-level, a higher level and an advanced level to reflect experience and seniority and encourage a path of development. However, and this is a big “However”, the SAMLA Education and Training Committee is actively revamping SAMLA seminars and workshops so that we can offer lectures, seminars and ongoing case discussions as well as trial trials. Our goal is to offer education and training in the fundamentals and to offer continuing education to the most experienced members. We will publish a calendar of events in early 2022. Please note the additional requirements for the SAGE editor: SAMLA is pleased to announce that Ms Leigh de Souza-Spagnoletti is the new Chair of the SAMLA RAF Committee.

She succeeds Dr. Hans Enslin, who led this group for many years. Above all, authors must be transparent. For example, if an author is not sure that their work is original (e.g., if it could be a double publication), they should inform the journal editor. If the editor decides that it is appropriate to publish, the article itself should clearly indicate any possible overlap. The Medico-Legal Journal provides an official account of lectures presented to the Forensic Society by eminent speakers, as well as a unique collection of original articles, case reports, book reviews and correspondence from around the world. The Medical-Legal Journal was founded in 1931. It is published by Sage on behalf of the Forensic Society. The paper version is published quarterly and is delivered to all full members and subscribers.

The content is also available in electronic form before the printed version. We may need to change your text, but we will keep a clear record of all changes so you can approve them before taking any further action. You will receive a copyright form for our SAGE editor, which you will need to complete, sign and return before your article can proceed to the verification phase before its subsequent publication: members can access the full review by clicking here. Note that your password is required. If you would like to be considered for membership, please apply here. SAMLA has key stakeholders who hold regular meetings, including discussions and conferences on (i) fund management and (ii) quantifications. Please email us at and we will put you in touch with the responsible manager. Texts should be original and in clear and grammatical British English (UK setting on your computer) and as concise as possible. The contribution should be of medico-legal interest. We can advise authors on the interest of a proposed topic, but we cannot guarantee publication before receipt of the manuscript.

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