Ayyappa Mala Rules for Family Members in Telugu

Namaste! It is good to note that you want to take Swamy Deeksha. But first, you have clarity as to why you want to take Deeksha. Has anyone inspired you or do you want a wish to be granted and you pray to the Lord or simply because your friends/relatives/colleagues, etc. go to Sabarimala and you want to accompany them or are you facing a difficult phase of your life or want to grow spiritually or what exactly is the reason, which inspires you to take Deeksha. Because it`s not like the other Deeksha. In Ayyappa Swamy Deeksha Guruswamy plays a leading role. The whole of Deeksha includes with Guru Tatwa. It is a concept of knowing thyself.so you must first go to a Guruswamy, express your desire and get permission for him to allow you to take Deeksha and come with him to Sabari Yatra. People who take Deeksha for the first time are known as Kanne Swamy. Kanne Swamy should therefore know all the rules of Deeksha and follow them accordingly. It is not necessary that once you have taken Deeksha, you should continue, although people who take Deeksha once feel the power of Swamy and usually continue it every year. It is true that a piece of iron, after being in regular contact with a magnet, acquires the characteristics of a magnet, similar to a normal person taking Deeksha, follows rules, regularly visits Swamy for a few years (18 years), will acquire the good charismatic and magnetic qualities that transform him, and he will be useful for himself, his family, his county, the Manking and this universe.

Under normal circumstances, deeksha should be done for a minimum period of 41 days, someone can also do more days. To climb the 18 steps of Sabarimala, we must carry Irumudi and to have Irumudi on our head, we must do the Deeksha for at least 41 days. Now, less than that, you need to get permission from guruswamy, who will decide whether or not to allow you for 21 days. This cannot be generic and will be based on the individual`s situation. If you explain your will and circumstances, it can understand and enable you through special case scenarios. So please contact the Guruswamy with whom you want to do Deeksha and your Sabari Yatra. And one last word, it is better to do deeksha for at least 41 days. Please know all the rules of Deeksha and follow them with sincerity, the rules have been designed and formulated for the inner transformation of people who take Swamy Deeksha. Because you are taking Deeksha for the first time when you know nothing or have doubts, let her be released from Senior Swamy or Guruswamy, ask her, but do not draw conclusions, do not get out of anything and do not speak negatively. Certainly by the grace of the band, you can feel the change inside of you, your thought process, your attitude, your behavior. I ask the Lord to bless you.

May you make your Deeksha sincere and have a wonderful Sabari Yatra. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa Can I drink Gou Mutram in the time of Ayyappa Deeksha. Namaskaram! Om Guru Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa! The setting up of the Peetham is different from the puja to simply take a spongy photo. As your guru rightly said, you can take your daily photo from puja to swamy while traveling and also at home. In a Peetham, you invite Swamy with Mula Mantram and do not chant the Udvasana mantra until you return from your Sabari Yatra. Once you have set up a Peetham, you should not move, nor leave it that way, someone should be careful in your absence when you travel. It`s like a temporary temple for your Deeksha period. Namely, at least 5 basic Upacharas must and must be performed (Dhoopa, Deepa, Naivedya, Gandha, Pushpa morning and evening) and if possible, other Upacharas can be performed depending on your convenience, time and capacity. And the daily cleaning of the Peetham room must be maintained, holiness and cleanliness must be maintained as a temple.

But if you only take puja to take a picture, according to your convenience, you can do puja or just sing Saranalu or Loka Veeram or you can do the upacharas according to your convenience, time and opportunity. With this type of puja, you can place the spongy photo anywhere on your trip, where it is a clean place, and perform the puja. This photo can be taken with you so that you do not miss the puja. This kind of puja-to-swamy photo is quite acceptable and this is what guruswamy suggested. You need to decide on the day you take Mala whether or not you are ready to establish a Peetham. If you have the opportunity, convenience, time, patience and interest that you can take care of the Peetham, then you just need to start Peetham. Alternatively, if your schedule doesn`t allow it, just take a spongy photo and take the puja. Most Swamys, who have no space available and no opportunities, usually join a Senior Swamy or Guruswamy who founds and maintains the Peetham. I hope you have received some clarification. I pray for you and your family. May you have Swamy`s blessing.

May by the grace of Swamy you have a fertile Deeksha and Sabari Yatra and a wonderful Darshan of Swamy. Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa Hello, I have doubts about the fact that I would wear Mala 2 months after our wedding. Can a man wear Mala during the first year of marriage? I need to know that I am better prepared and equipped not to break his vrata or cause inconvenience. Thank you for helping me. Namaste Sunil Kumar Garu, your case is a special case and I personally told my Guruswamy about your case. Here are the few points you need to consider 1) Since you are medically unable to walk without Chappal, you can perform the Deeksha with Chappals. It`s just like that, a person who has a disease and is not able to take a bath, the use of Vibuthi is synonymous with bathing in cases where there is a disability. So, also in your case, because your inability to walk barefoot is your disease, you can perform Deeksha with Chappales.2) The barefoot condition in a certain way is designed because Sabarimala is a hill, and it is easy for anyone who has practiced barefoot walking to climb the hill without difficulty.

In your case, it is best to take some doli from Pamba to Sannidanam and return to Pomba if you are not able to climb the hill on foot.3) You said you are taking the Deeksha for the first time, who is with you and how are you going to Yatra. It is always best to do Yatra with a group, preferably under the guidance of a Guruswamy. Despite all the good and bad we don`t know, guruswamy will always guide us in the right direction, so Yatra with guruswamy is the most preferred way to go to Sabarimala.4) What is your current position, health status, etc.

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